This personal data processing/protection policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) provides information regarding the collection, storage, processing, and use of your personal data.

What is Personal Data? The term “personal data” refers to information of individuals, such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, etc., which identify or can identify your identity, hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data or Data”.

What is the Processing of Personal Data? Any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether by automated means or not, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

What Data Do We Collect? We ensure to collect only Data that is absolutely necessary for the purpose they were provided for and are used solely for the purposes for which they have been collected.

With the exception of Data collected through Cookies (see more Cookie Policy here), Data is limited to what you have explicitly provided for a specific purpose and with your consent. Additionally, we collect Data when you visit our website and with your consent, which is implied by filling out the respective fields.

3.1. Identity Data, such as name, surname, father’s name, date of birth, driver’s license, tax ID number (TIN), identity card number.

3.2. Contact/shipping Data, such as postal address, email address, phone number.

3.3. Payment Data, such as credit/debit card number, PayPal, bank account number.

3.4. Identification Data, such as username, IP address.

How Do We Use Your Data? Your Data is processed either by our specially authorized personnel or through IT systems and electronic devices by our Company and, exceptionally, by third parties who are contractually bound to our Company to maintain confidentiality and protect your Data and process it exclusively for the purposes for which it has been provided to us.

Generally, your Data is processed in order to provide the following services:

4.1. Submission of an offer: The Company processes your Data to submit an offer for short-term or long-term car rental.

4.2. Car Rental: The Company processes your Data to fulfill its contractual relationship with you, which is car rental, to provide support services (such as maintenance, bodywork, repair, vehicle replacement, etc.), to comply with legal obligations, to defend, raise or exercise legal claims.

4.3. Purchase of a Car: The Company processes your Data to complete the purchase of used cars.

4.4. Compliance with applicable law: The Company processes your Data to comply with legal obligations, particularly relating to tax and insurance legislation or vehicle insurance coverage arising from an active insurance contract.

4.5. Creating a User Account: The Company processes your Data to provide account functions and facilitate the conclusion of rental or purchase contracts for products and/or services.

4.6. Sending a newsletter: The Company provides you with the option to choose, if you wish, to be informed via email about promotional/advertising activities of the Company (e.g., for new products and/or services available in the market, offers, the operation of new car rental stations, travel agencies, etc.).

4.7. Information services on the Website: The Company provides information services for its customers.

4.8. Customer Benefits Programs: Through these programs, the Company offers a range of benefits to its customers, such as priority service at rental stations, more advantageous parking positions at the Company’s premises, discount coupons, offers, etc.

4.9. Communication: The Company uses your Data to respond to requests/questions you submit, for example, through the Contact Center and contact forms.

4.10. Job Search: The Company processes your Data to evaluate your qualifications and capabilities for the position for which you applied or for another position within the Company and to communicate with you regarding this purpose.

4.11. Participation in online promotional activities/contests: The Company processes Data you fill in for your participation in a contest, if you agree, to conduct contests, notify you if you are a winner, and deliver your prize.

4.12. Participation in online market surveys/questionnaires: The Company processes Data you fill in for your participation in online surveys, such as demographic data (age, income, etc.). You can enter all the information or none at all, at your discretion. The results of the surveys will be used only to improve the features of our website, to evaluate and subsequently improve the services provided to you, and for no other purpose.

For what purpose do we process your Data? We collect your Data for the purposes of the provided products and/or services, such as:

a) evaluating your request for an offer and subsequently for the conclusion of the rental agreement.

b) managing the rental of the car you chose, e.g., communicating and informing you about availability, executing the contract, providing maintenance, bodywork, repair, replacement, vehicle pickup services, sending necessary documents for products you may have purchased or services you may have been provided, managing your debts to the Company, processing refunds.

c) complying with obligations imposed by the applicable law, such as labor, tax, and insurance legislation.

d) monitoring, improving, and adapting to your preferences and choices regarding our products and/or services.

e) sending you information about our Company’s products and/or services via email.

f) conducting customer satisfaction surveys, promoting our products and/or services, sending newsletters about our products and/or services.

g) evaluating job applications and resumes for potential hiring at our Company.

h) communicating in case of conducting contests.

What is the legal basis for processing your Data by the Company? The processing of your Data is conducted in accordance with:

the terms of our contractual relationship, your consent, where required, the Company’s obligations under the law (e.g., tax, labor, insurance legislation, etc.), the legitimate interest of our Company. Who are the recipients of your Data? The Company ensures that it will not transfer, disclose, grant, etc., your Data to third parties (except as stated herein) for any purpose or use unless required by applicable law or requested by public/judicial authorities.

Access to your Data is limited to the absolutely necessary personnel of the Company, who are committed to confidentiality, and to our partner companies, which process your Data as Joint Controllers or Processors on our behalf and according to our instructions.

Indicatively, the recipients of your Data are:

  1. The company that issues the payroll for our Company’s employees.
  2. Insurance companies collaborating with our Company.
  3. Users of our Company’s brands and systems.
  4. Partner travel agencies regarding car rentals.
  5. Companies providing repair, bodywork, maintenance services for rented vehicles.
  6. Auditing firms that audit our Company’s financial statements.
  7. Partner companies providing roadside assistance to drivers using our Company’s vehicles.
  8. Companies managing the global car reservation system, located within or outside Europe, with which we share information related to our car rental activities, which may include personal reservation information entered through this application. Your Data will not be used for any other purpose without your prior notification and consent.

How do we ensure that Processors & Sub-processors respect your Data? The Processors processing Data on our behalf have agreed and are contractually bound to the Company to:

maintain confidentiality, not send your Data to third parties without the Company’s permission, take appropriate security measures, comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data, particularly Regulation 679/2016/EU (otherwise GDPR). Processors may employ other persons, called Sub-processors, to perform their duties. In such cases, the Controller must have authorized the Sub-processor to handle Data processing in whole or in part. Consequently, the Sub-processor has the same obligations and rights as the Processor, as detailed in this Policy, always within the scope of their assigned responsibilities, and bears joint and several liability with the Processor.

When do we delete your Data? We retain your Data only for as long as required to fulfill the purpose for which you have provided your data and in compliance with applicable legal provisions. Your consent declaration for sending newsletters is kept for as long as newsletters are sent by the Company unless you choose to stop receiving them. Resumes submitted via email for job applications are retained for two (2) years unless you specify a shorter retention period (the minimum period that can be chosen is six months from submission) or request their deletion. Personal data provided for participation in customer loyalty programs are deleted when the program’s duration expires, or a reason for your exclusion from the program arises, or you express the desire to stop participating in the program, as described in the program’s terms of use. Data processed for participation in contests or market surveys are retained for as long as required for the completion of the contest or survey and are then deleted. The policy we follow for Data collected by Cookies is described (here, see more Cookie Policy).

Is Your Data Safe? The Company is committed to safeguarding your Data. Recognizing the importance of the security of your Personal Data, we have taken all appropriate organizational and technical measures, continuously improving based on technological developments, solely for the purpose of security and protection of your Data from any form of accidental or unlawful processing.

What are your rights? You have the right to access your personal Data. This means you have the right to be informed by us whether we process your Data. If we process your Data, you can request information about the processing purpose, the type of Data we keep, to whom we disclose it, the duration of storage, whether automated decision-making takes place, and your other rights, such as rectification, erasure of Data, restriction of processing, and filing a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. You have the right to rectify inaccurate personal Data. If you find an error in your Data, you can request us to correct it (e.g., name correction or address update). You have the right to erasure/right to be forgotten. You can request us to delete your Data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing described above or if you wish to withdraw your consent when this is the only legal basis. You have the right to Data portability. You can request us to receive your Data in a readable format or to transmit it to another controller. You have the right to restrict processing. You can request us to restrict the processing of your Data pending the assessment of your objections to processing. You have the right to object to and withdraw consent for the processing of your Data. You can object to the processing of your Data and we will stop processing it, unless there are other compelling and legitimate reasons that override your right. If you have consented to the collection, processing, and use of your personal Data, you can withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal. To exercise your rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of the Company at the following contact details: Data Protection Officer: [Company’s DPO Name] Contact email: [DPO’s Email Address] Contact phone: [DPO’s Phone Number] You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: Website: [DPA Website] Contact phone: [DPA Phone Number] Changes to this Privacy Policy This Policy may be revised at any time and without prior notice, always in compliance with the applicable law. We recommend that you check this Policy regularly to stay informed of any changes. If you have any questions or need further information about our privacy policy, you can contact the Data Protection Officer.